Our 2015 European Adventure

Friday, 6.26.2015

As every morning should be, I start with journaling the previous day and having coffee with Tamra. Then Lynn and Dee join us and today we’re off to the nearest boulangerie. We get some croissants, pain chocolat and some sweets for later (lemon éclair and a raisin and cream pastry). Back to the boat and we eat our pastries and yogurt and fruit and muesli while we watch the “old folks” from the river cruise boat wander by. After dropping the garbage and recycling we fire up the boat about 10 a.m. and head south.

Plan A is to head straight to Branges but I notice a little canal further south and since we have time to kill we head past PK 106 (the Seille) to PK 98, the canal to Pont du Vaux. One gate at the entrance to the canal (a self-operated lock, just press the button) and then we’re headed east.

The canal is slow and lasts three and a half kilometers. Halfway along it becomes green with algae bloom. After the second bridge we enter the marina about noon. A little surprising to see a full marina with quite a bit of permanent moorage and a reasonably bustling town. Some industrial and a fair amount of residential. We tie off and head in to explore.

The town has the required statues (as every town has) and we walk the “main” street lined with shops. After a bit we stop for a bite at one of the few places open (it is the lunch time so lots of places are closed). With some looking around at what others are eating and some pointing to pictures in the menu we order a kebab sandwich with frites and a boisson (Dee and Tamra to share) and a “steak” with frites and salad (Dave and Lynn to share). A good lunch and we begin our wander back to the boat.

By 2:00 we’re headed down the canal to the Saone. Lots of kids on bikes are going down the tow path next to us and they urge us to hit the horn. Being friendly, we give a couple of toots and they love it. Back through the lock at the entrance to the Saone and not long after we hear the alarm like earlier in the week. Not a way we wanted to end the journey.

We decide to get through the lock at Touchere and then call Le Boat. We enter the keeper operated manual lock but have to wait for a commercial sightseeing boat to return and join us in the lock before we can go. So between 4:00 – 4:30 we have cleared the lock and are on the phone with Le Boat. They advise returning to Touchere and they’ll meet us there in thirty minutes. Right on schedule the English manager from the Branges base shows up in the Le Boat minivan and he starts checking our alarm. After a fairly short while he decides it’s just one of the many temperature sensors on the motor and guesses it is probably corroded as the temperature gauge shows all good. He recommends we head to Cuisery for the night and he’ll take care of a later arrival at Branges in the morning. Nice gesture.

Back on the Seille and we again watch cows, horses, donkey, herons and swans. We reach the manually operated lock at Cuisery just a bit before 6:00 (and before the closing time of 6:30 p.m.) so Tamra and Dee crank the gates shut, open the sluices and then open the other gates and voila, we are through and in Cuisery.

After tying up at the dock we break out a Cremant Rose and a 2013 Cote de Beaune Rouge. Lynn heats her freezer pack of “jiffy pop” escargot in the broiler and we eat them with a crusty baguette and our wine. Fine dining al fresco. Now the pay the moorage fee (thirteen euros) and see the town. After a ten minute uphill walk on the road we reach Centre Ville. A new movie theatre greets us amongst old buildings. Of course there is a statue. The restaurant recommended by Mr. Le Boat seems to be permanently closed (but had a great looking menu – escargot cooked in Cognac). More wandering and another Notre Dame cathedral (closed for the night) and then back to the boat for dinner.

Tamra makes pasta with lardon, onions, garlic and butter. We pair it with our last red, a 2012 Premier Cru Santenay Rouge that unfortunately got a bit too warm during the day but was still drinkable. Then a few games of cards (cribbage and mean queens) and it’s time to sleep our last boat sleep.